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My services & fees

My services & fees

I specialise in private speech & language therapy assessment, therapy, training and consultation services to families, young people, education settings and other organisations. I work with children & young people aged 0-19 and sometimes young adults (19-25).

The cost of a weekly speech & language therapy appointment is £75 for teletherapy and £90 for an in-person appointment.

In-person appointment fees include travel to and from the following East Kent postcodes CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12. Outside this area, there is an additional travel charge of £1.50 per mile from my base in CT10.

I also offer all my services via teletherapy & can offer evening & weekend appointments online.

Communication, interaction & early language: assessment & therapy for children 18m-5 years

In-person appointments are available (in East Kent) & will usually take place in your home or at nursery. I also have a clinic in Ramsgate on a Monday, if you prefer this option.

For families across the UK, I offer all my services online via live video-calls. This is a highly effective, evidence-based option for parents of children of all ages who are wanting to access early intervention speech & language therapy for their child.

Communication & language therapy should be delivered in the child or young person’s home language – this does not need to be English. Please contact me if you would like to discuss how this could work for your family.

All therapy appointments for communication & language are 50 minutes. Therapy for early communication & language is usually delivered through parent & nursery staff coaching, and will be tailored to your child and family, using a tool box of techniques from evidence-based therapeutic approaches.

In-person initial consultation (up to 90 minutes) with email summary of advice £135
online teletherapy initial consultation (up to 90 minutes) with email summary of advice £115
In-depth report (e.g. to be shared with Paediatrician) £150
in-person appointments/therapy £90
online appointments/teletherapy £75

Speech sounds: assessment & therapy for children, young people & young adults.

Therapy for speech can be carried out in nursery, school or at home & a mixture can work best. Blocks for speech are known to be most effective if they are continuous over a number of weeks e.g. weekly across a school term or longer (8-10 week blocks are common). Therapy for some severe speech disorders is most effective if it is even more intensive e.g. 2 appointments per week.

Teletherapy (via live video calls) for speech is available to families, young people, young adults and schools across the UK. Evening & weekend appointments are also available for online therapy.

Please note: while teletherapy for speech can be highly effective for even the most severe speech disorders, in the case of a severe & complex speech disorder, where no diagnosis has yet been determined, it may not be possible to complete a full assessment & make a diagnosis over video call. If this were the case we would discuss our other options.

Therapy appointments for speech are often 30-40 minute intensive sessions. For most speech sound therapy the child, young person or young adult will need to have the ability to fully focus on the tasks for a minimum of 15 minutes. Speech therapy is highly individualised and can transform a young person’s life, when the right therapy approach is used at the right time. All session fees include clinical analysis, bespoke goal setting, resource-making, preparation & planning for each session.

Initial in-person Speech assessment – £180 including diagnostic report
Speech diagnostic block appointments £90 each
in-person therapy appointments £90
teletherapy appointments £75

Coaching & Training for parents & professionals

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NEW – these courses are currently being developed & will be available soon – online.

Get in touch to express an interest.
parent coaching courses
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In-person and online staff training is available to nurseries on a variety of topics and bespoke packages can be built to meet the needs of the setting.

Please get in touch to discuss your individual requirements.
Early years staff training
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Staff training to colleges & schools is available – I have a range of options for different sized groups.

Please contact me to dicuss your individual requirements.
School-age staff training
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Specialist assessments & reports

Fees for the below packages are variable with a menu of options that can be tailored to your family’s needs. Fees will always be fully explained, agreed with parents & invoiced in advance with a clear breakdown of costs. There will be no surprise fees for any of my services.

Specialist assessments & professional opinion reports: from £150

Please contact me to discuss 2nd opinions, school-age assessments, annual review assessments, transition assessments & diagnostic blocks. I may need to arrange a convenient time to call you to make sure I am able to offer you exactly what you are looking for. If I don’t feel I can offer you what you need I may be able to recommend a colleague.

Please note: My Speech Therapist do not offer Tribunal or medico-legal services.

Education, Health & Care Plan(EHCP) – detailed needs assessment & in-depth health advice report: from £650

Example of what a typical Early Years Foundation Stage assessment involves:
1) Initial conversation with parent via video call to gather in-depth case history. (30-45 minutes)
2) Initial visit to nursery/school to observe child’s functional ability in the setting & trial strategies.(up to 2 hours)
3) Discussion with staff. (30 minutes)
4) Home visit to feedback to parents and see child’s functional ability at home/complete brief assessment & scoring. (up to 2 hours)
5) Detailed health advice report written.
6) Liaison with SEN officer, Educationall Psychologist, NHS SLT/OT/Physio.

Additional Services:
Additional formal assessments requested/equired in order to decide provision wording: £150 (more likely for older children)
Additional advice/therapy visits requested: £90 per hour
Attendance at professionals meetings: £90 per hour

EHCP assessments for older school-age (from Year 1) will be accepted on a case by case basis as they are likely to be more complex.

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Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule(ADOS)- diagnostic assessment, detailed report & advice: from £550

A typical Early Years ADOS assessment includes:
1) an initial 30-45 minute semi-formal conversation with a parent/carer (ideally both parents/carers) in the form of a parent interview to gather a detailed developmental case history. This will be via video call.
2) a full ADOS assessment is carried out with your child and then you and your child can take a break while the semi-formal assessment is immediately scored.
3) we will then feedback to you about the assessment, answere any questions you may have and give advice.
4) a detailed ADOS report outlining the assessment findings & a summary of our recommendations and advice will be written following the assessment and will be sent to you to share with your Paediatrician or clinical psychologist.

The ADOS assessment is a key component to the multidisciplinary autism diagnostic process and most children will not receive a diagnosis without an ADOS. It is considered the ‘gold standard’ autism assessment in the UK and respected internationally. It does not provide all the diagnostic evidence needed on it’s own however, and so a 2nd qualified health professional such as a Paediatrician or Clincial Psychologist would also need to be involved for your child to be given the formal diagnosis. Please bear this in mind when booking this assessment.

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